Strategic aims: why we have chosen to collaborate

Strategic aims

There is lots of alignment in current strategic aims. In Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust the five strategic priorities are deepening our integration with partners, attracting and developing brilliant and fulfilled teams, continually improving standards of excellence, advancing our use of data and technology and being a future-focused organisation. In Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust the four strategic objectives are providing outstanding care, be collaborative, be an excellent employer and be sustainable,

Decorative graphic of the strategic aims for both organisations

In comparison

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust has funding of £177m, a workforce with 2360 whole time equivalent staff, an outstanding CQC rating and provides services across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Luton, Norfolk, Suffolk, Peterborough and Milton Keynes.

Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust has funding of £162m, a workforce with 2638 whole time equivalent staff, an outstanding CQC rating and provides services across Norfolk.

Decorative graphic comparing both organisations

For more details and information on this collaborative approach please visit our ‘case for change’ page. if you have any questions you can also visit our ‘frequently asked questions’ page.


Community health services strengthened as Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust and Cambridgeshire Community Services announce plans to come together